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harm reduction

People cant recover if they are dead!

Overdose Prevention and Response Education & Naloxone Outreach Services

OVR distributes Naloxone and Fentanyl testing kits in partnership with the California Department of Healthcare Services (DHCS) through the Naloxone Distribution Project (NDP).

OVR provides comprehensive education about opioids, substance use, treatment options, recovery supports available, overdose response, and rescue training.

OVR provides referrals to other services, including Substance Use Disorder Treatment, Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), Methadone clinics, various residential and outpatient treatment programs, mutual aid/peer-supported recovery services, and programs.

OVR distributes Naloxone/Narcan to people who use drugs and family members, friends, and loved ones of those who use drugs and who are at the most significant risk of witnessing an overdose.

If you need supplies or want to schedule a presentation, please contact us through our contact page. Visit our resources page for additional information on a variety of topics.

Syringe Services Program (SSP)

OVR provides mobile, needs-based services in East Contra Costa County. We offer discreet services in a setting where our clients feel most comfortable.

Beginning January 2025!

Check back for updates…

Health empowerment


Empowered individuals thrive...

Disease Prevention and Navigation

HIV/HCV + Health Navigation

Disease Prevention and Health Empowerment Education Presentations.

HIV PrEP Navigation

HIV/HCV Rapid testing

recovery support services


ONE VOICE Recovery Empowerment Group

The ONE VOICE Recovery Empowerment Group© is grounded in the philosophy that people from every recovery pathway (program) have much in common and can benefit from sharing together. These workshops offer a space where people can share their recovery experience, focusing on empowerment, the healing of recovery and how our lives are enriched because of it. 

Individuals who are recovering or who have recovered from any addiction, illness or life event and our allies are welcome to come and share their life experience and wisdom. People are in recovery when they say they are, and recovery is a process, therefore, people whose pathway of recovery is medically assisted, and those whom aren’t abstinence based, or those who practice harm reduction as a pathway of recovery are also welcome and viewed as equally valuable.

One purpose of the ONE VOICE Recovery Empowerment Group©, is to bring people together to bridge the gaps so we may reduce the distance between our recovery societies. We seek to embrace our unities while we completely honor our differences. We seek to learn about the many diverse pathways of recovery, thereby strengthening our recovery foundation so we may have many options. 

We are ALL recovering from something!

Recovery Coaching

Recovery Coaching is a non-clinical peer support service. Recovery Coaches are formally trained and adhere to ethical standards governed by state licensing and national accrediting associations. Coaches do not promote a specific recovery pathway or any particular method of recovery or treatment. OVR’s Recovery Coach’s;

Support individuals in identifying recovery pathways that are meaningful and unique to the recoveree.

Educate about many recovery pathways, modalities, philosophies, and programs.

Serve as a bridge, linking and referring to care and additional supports to empower a greater state of wellness.

Remove barriers, advocate, mentor, educate, listen, and offer honest feedback.

Help identify recovery capital.

Offer personal recovery experience as an example when it is meaningful for the “recoveree.”